About Us


Social Commitments

Besides our business we involve ourselves in social development and health we conducted E.N.T free medical camp in the year 2011 along with Kumbakonam host lions club. We conducted elocution competition in the school and distributed prize in the year 2006.

• The Company has NIL BAD DEBTS from the year of inception.

• The Company has made 100% RECOVERY for the Past Five Years.

• "The Company's Financial Statements do not carry any Qualification (Adverse Remarks) by the Auditors".

• Since inception, the company has not advanced any loan to its Directors and/or persons or firms or companies referred in the section 295 of the Act.

• Since inception, the company has complied with the directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India and Central Government as regards to acceptance of deposits. No order has been passed by the Company Law Board or Reserve Bank of India or any court or any other Tribunal u/s58AA.

• Since inception, no prosecution was initiated against or show cause notices received by the company for alleged offences under the Act and no fines and penalties or any other punishment were imposed on the company.

• No fraud by the Company and no fraud of material significance on the Company by its officers or employees has been reported by any authority since inception.

• The Company has complied with the Nidhi Rules 2014, ratio of Net Owned Funds to Deposits in the ratio of 1:20 to meet out the liability and the company is maintaining 10% unencumbered term deposits to meet out the liability.


"Our aim is to cultivate the habit of savings and thriftiness among the members. We conduct deposit mobilization campaign at intervals and create awareness for savings".
Registered & Central Office:
13D,Bazaar Street,
Tel: 04366-262602,260602